The automation industry is amongst the fastest growing sectors in engineering across the globe. Whether you provide software or hardware, SCADA or SCARA, inverters or robotics, there is a huge opportunity for Automation PR, industrial PR, manufacturing PR press coverage that Stone Junction can help you grasp.
We can genuinely say that we know the automation trade media as well as, or better than, any other PR professionals in the UK. As a result, no matter what you want to communicate, we can tell you which publications the story belongs in, and what angle is going to work best. Furthermore, in most cases, we can also tell you how many words the journalist will need and the exact tone they will want us to write in.
At Stone Junction, we understand how the automation industry works, so much so that we have probably even written about your technology or products and services before — we know our market at that level of depth. Even our least experienced consultants have written dozens of articles that have appeared in the automation media. Our most experienced have written hundreds. If you want to see some examples, just e-mail
What’s more, given the increase in interest in automation and automated processes on a national scale, opportunities are beginning to open up for coverage in very high profile media. In view of this, we are able to deliver results irrespective of whether your target is the automation media in the UK, Europe or further afield.
As well as our writing skills, media contacts and PR industry experience, we also offer a whole suite of complementary marketing skills, from SEO to e-mail marketing, and from blogging to social media. Not only that, but our reporting is a real strength – unlike most businesses in our industry.
You will always know what we are doing, why we are doing it, what results we are generating and what projects your strategic timeline contains. If you want to read a case study on Stone Junction’s automation PR work, this project on behalf of GAMBICA and Intellect is a perfect example.
We offer joined-up automation PR campaigns that can integrate with your other marketing initiatives. We offer writing skills that are better than best practice and we offer results. So if you are an automation business that wants to improve its PR and marketing, get in touch!
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